As we all we know that the state bank of india is very nice bank of india because many and more number of people are using and the part of the bank called as sbi and I am also a member in the sate bank of india because in all over india this is the only famous bank so I also ready to take account so I also taken an account . so as per the account taking of these account is very perfect for all the people. The bank is very safe bank in all over india as per the user I can give a best suggestion to all the people of india to take account in the sbi. the features of the bank is very really good these can I say because I am an user of that so I can say that when comes to the features of the bank first banking is that is phone banking in these banking we can seat at home and we can make any type we want we can do anything by seat at home and also we can do recharge and we can buy anything and we can do anything through just the phone banking.ATM availability is very nice because these bank is not a small bank these branches are very a lot in india so the people can do anywhere withdraw any where in india and comes to internet banking we want ton transferred the money urgently to any where we can move the money as much fast as fast just through the internet banking and lastly comes to the customer service it is very nice and the perfect because all the india branches of sbi are very alert only because of the bank these are not just simple banks these are very large banks so the workers in the banks are very alert.By the conclusion taking account is the very good option fore all the people of india very perfect as well as taking a better step when we enters in to the sbi bank as money member through it we can earn as much we want we can transferred and as we can store as much we want and we can make transferred .so by lastly I can say that taking account in the of bank of sbi is very nice and perfect.