OK, so I recently signed up for SBIs Internet Banking, even though I am in computers myself, I wasnt sure that the Internet people of India have done their work, in letting us actually transfer money securely all over the place.
I have never shopped online myself! But anyway, to tell you about them - I just went in , told them I wanted to sign up - they gave me a paper to sign up on WITH MY EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION ON IT!! i.e. I have to prove myself to them TO CHECK MY OWN MONEY! This is NOT ACCEPTABLE!
Then they made me wait for a looong time, gave me an envelope (which they called a "kit") with my name and password, and I came home to find that they had activated everything, I could log in immediately, thank God! (I dont want to see that p sshole PHYSICAL bank again).
We have 3 accounts at the bank, and I was afraid that wed need 3 separate usernames and passwords for the site, but this was not the case, so Mr. Web Designer and Programmer, job well done!
So -as I can see, the site lets you check your balance OK ( I havent yet made any payments and seen whether it updates in Real Time, I *hope theyve done that), but theres also provisions for paying your bills online.
But ITS ONLY SELECT PEOPLE WHO SBI HAVE SELECTED !! I didnt get this! Since you can pay anyone you want by card ANYWAY (providing they accept it), what is the point of having a separate Bill Payment mechanism?
Anyway, the main thing is... when I was taking the form, Ray Saheb who works at the bank, was very worried - I think he knows that the end is near, his job is going out the window soon, to be replaced by a server. Which makes me VERY HAPPY! :) I just wanted to share that.. :)