This is regarding STATE BANK OF INDIA(SBI), branch details follow:
Branch Code : 06866
Address : P.B.NO.5315, 65 ST.MARKS ROAD, BANGALORE, 560001
Phone Number : 25943211 Fax Number: 080-22277027
Email ID :
IFS Code : SBIN0006866 SWIFT Code : SBININBB421
FIRST of all.I know very well that the old, fat communal despots who want to keep India knee deep in sewage in order to preserve a barbaric "5, 000 year old culture" are offended by the notion of modern technology, streamlined operations and civilized professionalism, but its time to stop catering to these regressive, anti-India extremists and create(and actually ENFORCE) some transparent, convenient and ethical 21st century business standards in the finance sector. People in influential positions should use their authority and clout to help India evolve and shed its retarded stepchild status.
Moving on to the incident occurring March 30, 2013 at around 2:00pm.
I accompanied my wife to this bank today, as she intended to open a savings account. I called the branch prior to arrival to ask which documents would be required. The person I spoke with on the phone stated we would need all forms of identification but did not mention utility bills, and she was not required to submit any electricity or telephone bills to HDFC last year when opening a salary account, so we had no reason to assume she would require utility bills for this.
After being ignored by every employee in the bank for 20-30 minutes, we approached counter #1 only to be denied service and sent to counter #2.
The racist C at counter #2, who later identified herself only as "Geeta" was extremely hostile and abrupt when she finally appeared behind her desk after a lengthy wait. She had no identifying signage on her desk and refused to provide a surname when asked(because she doesnt know who her father is?). I told her my wife was interested in opening an account and before we could tell her anything else, she snapped at my wife to give all ID and electricity and telephone bills in her name. My wifes ID are all in order, and she had copies in triplicate. She explained to this "Geeta" that none of our bills are in her name, theyre either in mine or the landlords.
"Geeta" spoke to my wife in an increasingly hateful tone and said that if she doesnt have utilities in her name, she cannot open a bank account. The woman never even bothered to ask what kind of account my wife wanted, did not bother to explain any bank policies in detail or show us any such policies in writing.
This "Geeta" b behaved very badly from the very minute she reached her desk. She appeared to be angry before we ever opened our mouths, and was glaring at us like she wanted to kill both of us. She acted as if we were stepping on her precious toes simply by being there and attempting to avail a basic service.
It is VERY clear that this "Geeta" is a racist, communal barbarian who felt it beneath her bloody "dignity" to assist my foreign wife with opening a bank account- despite having valid passport, PIO card, residential permit, marriage certificate, PAN card, lease agreement and all the other bureaucratic trappings(including triplicate copies of each) in her possession!
Does "Geeta" have that typical Bangalore work ethic of refusing to do her damn job unless a bribe can be facilitated?
OR, perhaps shes of the typical openly defecating, racist, village barbarian mindset that all foreigners crap gold bars and must not be given the time of day unless they can be exploited and extorted!
I guess foreign women getting gang raped, molested, harassed, robbed and fleeced on the street is not enough to satisfy "Geeta" and the other SBI a**holes, so they also have to do their part inside the bank to make foreigners feel unwelcomed!
Kindly FIRE THIS SOCIOPATH. This "Geeta" has become far to big for her boots and is not fit to interact with the general public, she must be kicked off her high horse immediately.
Such uncivilized behaviour is inexcusable and unacceptable. Working for a bank- regardless if its government or private- does NOT make one a demi-god, and neither does age, caste or regional origin. Kindly remind "Geeta" aunty of this when you FIRE HER.
Furthermore, why must my wife have a utility in her name just to open a savings account? This is an extremely asinine burden that only makes it more difficult for people to access banking services!
Assuming this is actually a "rule" and not some hogwash from "Geeta", my wife will now have to purchase a land line THAT WE DONT NEED only to be eligible for a savings account! This is bloody ridiculous, the stupidest thing Ive heard in a long time.
The electricity is in our landlords name. We each have a mobile phone and I have wireless internet. WE DO NOT NEED A LAND LINE! But the certified C at SBI are going to FORCE my wife to SPEND MONEY on an unnecessary land line, just to open a savings account!
Words cannot express the level of idiocy required to dream up such a "policy." Why are obtuse, tyrannical fools being placed on the "decision maker" pedestal anyway? They are only making life hell for the rest of us!
"Geeta" with no surname and SBI can rot in hell together, WE DONT NEED THEM.
Thanks & regards,
Venkatesh G.