Today I went to SBI Medical college branch in Calicut, Kerala to open an account . I had with me tthe duly filled application form and required documents. Imagine my surprise when the concerned person asked me to come next week as " I am busy now and we are short of staff". he was extremely rude . Now that was an accepted behaviour from a government employee in the preglobalization era, but this is 2008 and costumer is supposed to be king. Anyway I decided to approach the deputy manager. But he was equally nonchalant though somewhat polite. Very politely he asked me to forget about an account for at least for a week. Reason - staff shortage.
I decided to lodge a complaint in the complaint box but thas was unavailable. Seeing me search for the box, the PRO( very polite and helpful) heard my complaint and promised to help me. He even accepted my form and promised to forward it to the concerned persons but even he could not help me start an account. I felt like a helpless person coming to a moneylender to borrow, instead of the reverse.
My question is, cant the bosses of the so called best Bank in India rein in their errant employees. They dont realize the harm these employees are causing to the reputation and thereby the finances of the bank.
At lease I realised that SBI is true to its slogan - pure banking, nothing else - not even basic courtesy