Hi all, lemme follow the hints given to write this review
Why did you open an account with this bank?
Because it was one of the bank in our campus along with canara bank and to get our monthly scholarship we had to have an account at it, so it was by compulsion and not choice that I opened an account there.
What did you particularly like ....
For a miser like me, 500 minimum deposit was like music to my ears, and that includes a debit/atm card. For a cheque book , Rs 1000. Compare this with other private banks, they dont talk below 5000. Excellent ATM coverage, you can easily get an SBI atm and even if you dont get then there is always SBM, SBH.. etc etc where you can withdraw money without any transaction fees being deducted. Account shifting, was no hassles. AFter my studies I shifted my account by just giving a letter, no other formalities, not even a pic, they took it from my older passbook!. Open on sundays, yeah , its true, the branch I transacted was open on sundays and had weekly holiday on monday. Now thats really convinient.Well so convinient that it was difficult to get inside the bank on sundays. That brings me to the next part, fully crowded.
...or dislike about this bank?
The ATMs some times didnt have cash at all!! And technology is definitely not their forte, when I went to ask for internet banking option questions were Why do you want it? Are you s/w engineer?etc etc. When I wanted DMAT, they said we give only DP acc that too only in head office. Well I am talking about these things in SBIs situated in bangalore!! But to be fair, if I am not wrong, DMAT and DP combination is given only by HDFC and ICICI, that too for min deposit of 10000. (correct me if I m wrong). And neither is courtesy is their forte, staff is very to the point(No How can I help you sir!!) without much patience.
Likes dislikes, both..that brings us to
For whom would you recommend this bank?
I recommend it for people from rural places(farmers), housewives, students, unemployed youths....
I wouldnt recommend it businessman, people interested in stocks trading, internet banking, software enggs, rich city guys who can afford to pay for fancy facilities.
Thats it....please correct me if I have given any wrong information