Hello friends, every body know about SBI and how big this organisation is. SBI is the biggest branch in India having 16333 branches across India. Its head office is situated in Mumbai and SBI is popular among lower middle as well as higher class of peoples. It was established in 1806 and it becomes the oldest commercial bank in India.
We all know the history geography of this big bank. But some things are very bad about this. The employees behavior is very informal. Customers has to wait hours for just one single work. If we went here for some enquirers then they even dont have time to give proper response.Even the loan procedure is very tricky here. They dont give loan to needy peoples.
We all know that SBI is Indias leading bank but I think for customer support and services it is the worst bank, specially the employees, those who work in SBI as an employee feels that they are very unique peoples in this world and rest of all are nothing. They dont respect the importance of time for other.
I want to clear one thing here is that this my personal experience and my intention is not to hurt any person.
People across India believes in SBI and most of the lower and middle class families have there account in this bank. Even I have an account in this bank and I feel safe that my money is in safe hands. But some times I feel so frustrated when I visit to this bank just because of the behavior of employee.