2 months ago I applied for sbi card in my home town. Process went on soon on papers and I got account book, then main problem started as I havent received any Atm. Even I cross checked with my post man who usually deliveres in my area regarding my sbi card. I went to bank and enquired about My card and shockingly they said its been dispatched and came back as you are not there. Then again I applied on bank to dispatch , waited for 2 months and still no luck. When ever I visited bank Ill here sone or other issues. Even when I go to deposite also they are asking atm card and its really getting worst day by day. Last I tried with online banking and this is also same I got user name and password and that should be updated Im my records it seems. So need to check my luck on coming weekend.
As of now Im fed up of this sbi Atm card. Hoppe Im the whos suffering like this.