SBI OTP APPS- is a easy solution get otp online just simple put 4 digit t-pin. is work-} just simple download from play store & install in any mobile.
2.only 1st time use your reg mobile number to get otp.generate t-pin easy to transfer money online get otp in sbi otp apps If you dont know what is otp .?
OTP-it is a secruty purpose.assume if you are given to your login id or password sameone or relative he login & during transfer if you are register mobile in bank .then send in your reg mob to otp because to conform you are a right person to login your account What is the benefit of sbi otp apps
Sbi otp is just install in you fav phone either in reg mob phone or non reg mob
With out waiting simple put t pin & get otp .its vry simple.