It has nothing to do with Steve Jobs except it is "his" statement. It is about a book which shares theentrepreneurial experience of 25 young as well as old entrepreneurs from the top management institute in India-IIMA. The book comprises ofthe interviews taken by the author-Rashmi Bansal, an IIM-A graduate herself and a successful entrepreneur as well. Founder, Editor and Publisher of a popular youth magazine called JAM -Just Another Magazine.Some of these entrepreneurs graduated way back in1970s, before I was born, some in 21st century, but all of them hadthe same dream, faith and vision. Some were erratic, some were eccentric, some were adamant and none of them seemed to me a normal being[Its my belief that only abnormal people can do anything real and practical].
Some quit job after three months, some after six months and some after working for 26 years. Some worked for big companies, some for bigger and some for biggest, but even then they knew that this was something they were not supposed to do.Some lived on their wifes income for long times, some worked in a single room for months.But all these things could not stop them from doing "anything", they wanted. No wonders, only this level of faith [in ones own self] brings in,, Subhiksha and a lot of such great creations. These are all creations indeed by these creators of Life and Vision.
P.S: I have read Reviews of this book. I dont know why, people always pickthe negative things :).Some are saying why she selected only 25 people, some are saying this is not a book at all, this is just boot-licking of IIMA alumnus by the IIMA alumni. Some are advising people not to buy it. Gosh!!Anyway, I suggest all of you to read the book and buy it as well and keep it with you and whenever your Life is on a roller-coasterride(Yes, I am talking about the trough side) read this book. This book is worth reading some "n" number of times.