Steel and its neighbouring nightclub, Capitol, are the two latest hot spots in Delhi.
Located (surprisingly) at the ITDC hotel Ashoka, Steel has tried to model itself on an industrial look with pipes and bricks and whatnot. Its quite a big place. But dont even think of going there after 10.30PM on a Saturday coz you will never get in, unless you knwo the doorman. Theres no entry charge or anything, and its not like the inside is very crowded. In fact the outside is more crowded than the inside! But once inside you have a choice to stand around three different bars, or sit in one of the couches. Theres loud dance musci happening, with some pretty expensive drinks.
Its a very hip place where the delhi junta loves to be seen. Personally, I prefer places where I can sit down, talk to my friends, enjoy my drink, and not have to scream over the music or keep shifting to let other people pass.
The ambience is nothing that great either...its just another nightclub.