I received call from Sterling Holidays for participation of their Promotion campaign, saying that they will provide Complimentary Stay in their any Resort for two nights. It was condition of them to participate with spouse. I was happy and went to Hotel Paradise Moradabad on 16.10.2014 with my spouse, about 55 Km. away from my residence only for participation of their Promotion campaign.
They compelled us many times to be member of Sterling Holidays, but we were not satisfied and assured them to opt after compare the Plans with other such Company.
However they were not pleasant, because couldn’t succeeded in their plan of giving membership, but provided a Xerox copy of Complimentary Voucher No.66750 with original signature of Mr. Gaurav Kumar Jha(Direct Sales Manager of Sterling Holidays).
I requested Sterling Holidays on 07.01.2015 for redemption of above voucher, but was shocked; hearing that given voucher was not valid.
I received a call from Mr. Gaurav Kumar Jha on 24.01.2015 at about 7PM from Mobile 8510088778 and was very sad hearing that it could not be claimed, as it is free without payment and people come to us to be Fool. Conversation between me and Mr. Gaurav Kumar Jha is also attached.