ATTENTION The following review is simply and strictly based on the trailer and teaser and not the movie.The movie is due to be released in OCTOBER, 2015.
Danny Boyle at his best.The Oscor wining director is all set for his latest flick this year.The trailer simply made me go "woow" and for 2.30 minutes I just could not remove myb eyes from the computer.Michael Fassbender plays steve jobs, the co founder of APPLE INC.In 1998 with the unveiling and the launch of the iMac, Steve Jobs takes us behind the scenes of the digital revolution to paint an intimate portrait of the brilliant man at its epicenter.The movie is bound to be a cult and should be a massive hit this year.With an amazing screen play and a superb script which is shown in the trailer the movie should reach new height, and with the combination of Danny Boyle and a passionate actor like Michael Fassbender the movie should not be a disapointment.