Did you know that there was an online book shop that sold books all over the nation & kept the postage free as a service to the reader?
Do you know that whenever you enter this bookshop online or at its premise close to the CST, Mumbai, they would offer a minimum of 20% & more discount on all titles throughout the year?
>Do you know that the book sale organised by the owner of this venture attracts 5000 visitors everyday till 15 days?
Minimum discount is 40% whereas maximum stays till 80%. All fresh & latest book titles.
https://strandbookstall.com is the online address of this book lovers paradise. Padamshree awardee Mr. Shanbhag, the owner has served people from all walks of life. From students to men of great importance, like Jawaharlal Nehru. Though the stock may not be as abundant as a Crossword but you shall find things way too cheaper & believe me, your compromise on getting a pirated copy of your most desired title would just get washed away. So read on & if you chance upon a pleasant story, you have my ears!