Its a movie from amar kaushik and Rajkumar rao. Its a well written and directed nice haunted movie.
The movie plot is a small town is haunted a blood thurst ghost who s pray is only men . There will be only then cloths of them and nothing left as body.
The ghost is hungry for love . And she only prays the men who turns out when she calls . In this movie men has taken away and girls are feely living which is a contradiction of the current reality where girls are not safe in india . That is a smart play in the script.
The end twist will draw humour . Shradha kapoor has done a good job in the movie .tripadi , abhishek banerji and rajkummar rao is eminently watchable and delightful to the scenes.
The humar fills the movie with the good script . Its a good filim to watch