You people have extremely poor quality of products. Firstly, my product was delivered late. and the quality was terrible. Sarojini products have a better quality than you people. Your poor stitch quality I saw the same day itself but overruled the idea of sending shoes back as I did not think you people would return back my money taking in account the time of delivery. The floral ones are made form polyester fabric fused on to foam which has bubbles already. My white shoes, I have worn my shoes for just two days and man the whole canvas is ripping off. how do you manage to create such poor quality stuff when there are so many technologies available in the industry? and do you even have a quality control team? The sole is coming off from the sides. Is it that the product was use and throw? it could just last for 2 days.
It is such a shame that with so much competition in the market you are not able to keep up the quality and are merely focusing on creating quantity with third class raw material and techniques. Your customers are unsatisfied. I highly doubt anyone of them will make a purchase from you for the 2nd time. Not me at least.
Plus such an amazing rating you have! Should have seen this before. Good going guys. Find a new job because you are going nowhere with this company.