When asked how much educated men were superior to those uneducated, Aristotle answered, As much as the living are to the dead. ** This explains the importance of education not just in this era but also in epochs to come by. High percentage of the American population comprise of Indians and Chinese. This review is about why should an Indian prefer an education abroad rather than doing it in his own backyard? For a born Indian, most part of his schooling and college happens in India only. It is during post-graduation that students tend to develop a liking for studies abroad.
This sect of students are not in all fields but a select few. For instance people in the Engineering and Technology or management are the once occupying maximum chunk in the set of students going abroad. So keeping these two areas in mind I have tried to deal with both the sides of Cents and Paise. Lets start with the head of paise Why education in India? India has the best technological institutes in IITs. Good management institutes in IIMs. So why not study in a country that has such wonderful institutes? This is one reason. The other primary reason being the age-factor.
While doing an under-graduate program most of us are in the teens. So the family members do not tend to believe that we have the maturity to handle ourselves during under-graduation itself. Hence do not pep us to go abroad for education. The education in India till high school is one of the best in the globe. The quantitative and analytical aptitude are the best for the Indians. This is mainly because of the highly competitive exams required to do the under-graduation courses. This high quantitative and analytical capability is also remarkably visible while an under-graduate student takes up a GRE exam before going abroad to pursue his post-graduation ambition. Most of the Indian students clear the quantitative section with non-chalance. They do find the english section relatively more difficult. Hence education in India is good, rather, very good till about the under-graduation level. Why NOT India after under-gradutaion? Tell me and Ill forget. Show me, and I may not remember. Involve me, and Ill understand. This is not the case with the post-graduate courses in I