The best thing about Styx is its name. I wonder how many people know this but Styx is the mythical river which carries dead bodies to Hell. What an appropriate name for a Pub.
Styx is located bang on MG road just next to the brigade road intersection. As such, its location cannot be better. The pub is on the first floor and its entrance is not too grand.
Inside, the pub is smallish in size. I dont think it can seat more than 30-35 at a time.
the pub has excellent air conditioning, which is important for the cigerrate loving population of Bangalore. The music is loud and is heavy rock. In case you get a headache from rock, then this is not the place for you. Videos of the songs are played on a projector.
The selection of alcoholic drinks is good but they are tad expensive. Do try the Tequila shot if you dont mind being lighter by a few hundred rupees.
The snacks are good too.
The flooring is wooden and vibrates when the crowd gets into the mood and starts banging its feet.
Overall this is a nice niche place.