Hmm there was this time where I would go to Styx exclusively and then I would meet my friends later on, scen was they didnt like this kind of music and I love it. I am talking aboput Metal, speed metal, thrash, progessive metal.This is a fantastic place to be in if you want to put your head down guzzle beer and headbang, dont go hear if you want to talk, go here and see the DVD quality video on huge screens listen to musix that makes you wanna headbang. For most foreginers who come to india thinking we are all snake charmers are so amazed that we Bangloreans note BANGLOREANS rock.
THis was the first pub to my knowledge before Purple Haze to play videos and durring the time 2001 to 2003 and thats when everyone else was doing it, the DJ there then was Kiran and absolutely a metal freak, he knew his metal and would bring down the place, heard of CHILDREN OF BODOM !!With purple haze now its the same old cds and keep playing the same stuff over and over, if you want to hear something new then go thereThe beer is okat, food not great.
Now when I was there last a few months back the DJ had changed and this guy had no clue about music and how to maintain a tempo it was all over the place and to top it all he had a huge ego or whatever that was. Maybe its better now, hope so that place more than a single person