I have been trying to get my 2.4 KVa inverter seen to since November 2008 and am still getting the run-around from the Su-Kam dealer in Vasco, Goa.
After having got in touch with Sukams reps in Pune in Jan, I finally managed to get the problem rectified on the 5th or so of May. But having been inactive for so long, my batteries were totally depleted and needed to be taken to the dealers for recharging.
Since then, I was given 4 appointments by the dealer for return and installation in the last 14 days, none of which were kept, causing me to waste 4 more working days over and above the 12 odd already lost between Nov and May.
The 2 Sukam reps I was in contact with, have not been taking my calls for the last 2 days, someone else picks up, says theyre out in the field and "left their cells behind".
Dont blame them for being too embarrassed to talk to me but have to blame Sukam for not being able to curb its dealers excesses.
Bottom-line, if you live in or around Vasco, a Su-kam inverter would be a very, very bad choice, unless you pick another dealer, NOT Rahul Mehta of Kashish Enterprises and Solar Batteries.
On top of it all, despite my specifically asking for Su-Kam lo-maintenance batteries, he also palmed off some other brand on me, claiming they were preferable as customers had issues with Sukam batteries!