Falling for its advertisements and keen to buy from a well known Indian brand, I bought a Sukam inverter and tubular battery from Kochi. Soon after that it started having multiple malfunctions and at last stopped working altogether. Since it was still under warranty I called up their toll free customer service number and lodged a complaint. Since the power cuts(announced and unannounced) in my area is very high, I was very keen for the replacement and called up the customer service team practically everyday for the last two months. The issue is still unresolved after 2 months even after I personally called up Mr. Muthupandi, customer relations manager, a couple of times. The inverter still sits a corner of my house and everytime me and my kids spends time in the dark, hot house, I blame the ill-fated day when I chose to buy Su-kam inverter and batteries instead of the friendly local battery shop.
My advise to all the people out there looking for a dependable inverter, "Never buy from Su-kam, because they are a bunch of crooks with no morality and sense of responsibility".