Im Vamsi. This site really provides a great platform to get feedback from customers who are actually using the product.It really helped me a lot. I just hope to extend my contribution to this platform..
Coming to product.. I have decided to buy a Inverter for my house since a regular power cut here just freaks me out. My requirements are as follows 1 PC , 1TV , 3 Tube-lights as well as 3 Fans and with a backup of 4 Hrs. So after going through the reviews here and market survey..
I finally decided to go either with Sukam or microtech. Though I was skeptical as to which one to go as reviews here for both inverters are quite below ratings. But anyway I have take one and finally decided to take Sukam Falcon 800 VA sine wave. I took it on April 26th , 2010. Since then it was spot on. Regarding my battery I took DigiPower from Okaya It spec 140 AH with 2 yrs warranty .Overall It costs me around Rs. 15000. It fulfills my requirements quite well though I dont get supply for complete 4 hrs ( 3-31/2 hrs).
It works fine for me to this date and I only hope this continues till its life time.
Folks Ill sure let you know if I face any problems with my inverter and how customer care took care of it (I hope they are good at it with me as I see so many negative feedbacks abt CC).