If you can dream it, you can do it. Pack the power of possibility thinking into your life. Success, when viewed with a positive mental attitude, is a process. It is a journey – not the destination. No matter where you are in life-No matter who you are- No matter what you have accomplished- No matter when or where or why you may not have realized your dreams- SUCCESS OR FAILURE THE CHOICE IS YOURS. In his book Success is Never Ending, Failure is Never Final, Robert H Schuller challenges ones choices.
This inspirational book has 2 parts. In the first part, Schuller narrates ways to succeed, continue your success and plan for future success. He insists that, if one achieved his desired goals, after a period one will again thirsty for success. So, the rotation begins again. In the second part Schuller explains why he do not recognize failure as never final.
Success or Failure, the choice is yours. It all begins when you decide you want to succeed. Nobody has a money problem-its always an idea problem. Schuller comments that Success is never ending because success is a process! He challenges you to make a dream which you know if not fail. He ask you to carry the dream with God and to give God a chance to make this dream come true through you. By the way, he do not believe God do not give success in a plate. For success doesnt just happen! You have to plan to make it happen! Put your dreams in front of every challenges and believe that dreams do come true! Ask right questions to release possibilities. Ask right questions to release confidence & release creative solutions. The right questions release motivation. Take Schullers magic words "I CAN DO IT TOO!"
Schuller makes you believe that Impossibilites vanish when a man and his god confront a mountain. He throws possibilities like:IT MIGHT BE POSSIBLE – If I can just learn How to do it? If I can solve some problems? ….. raise some money? …. think bigger? …. work harder? …. find someone to help me? If I realize that I cannot quit? …. get a new attitude? He, like Nepolean wants to feed the thought that there is nothing impossible. He successfully tries to convert the reader from a failure thinker to Success thinker. He even doesnt accept the word failure, but a setback. He like his mentor Norman Vincent Peal ask us to be positive in our approach towards our believes, attitudes, emotions ideas & decision making. He rush us accumulate all our resources, whether it is an idea, believe, values, assets or whatsoever to help us to attain the goal. He dreams that we can succeed and insist that we should believe so as well.
As said earlier, he does not recognize failure. He asks, where do you go from out? He asks us to accept lifes setbacks gracefully. Try to do our best to limit the damage out of the present setback. When you have a setback in life, you need some stroke. Make your renewal and recovery program efficiently, think better, think brighter. He insists, EVERY END IS A NEW BEGINNING. Starting over again, it can be fun and it can be done. There are other fish in the sea. If you miss a silver star, dont worry, the golden star may be out there. Look at what you have left – Never look at what you have lost! Glass is half full; right? Go beyond the limit. He asks you to broaden your horizon. And dont throw curtains on your tomorrow, as your tomorrow is today!!! He throws a last inspiration…Why quit when things are going to change for better? He asks you to say "Farewell to Failure" and say "Hello to Success"!
In the epilogue, he ask us to STRIVE: Start small, Think Possibilities, Reach a little further, Invest Wisely, Visualise success, Expand Carefully…
This is a small book of 210 pages, easily can be read in 2 or 3 hours time or say in a days time. As the writing is so inspirational so much so that you turn pages faster. However, he has been little poetic in his pick of titles. Had he not done that the topic would have been little more clear. For example, in the epilogue, he selected "Reach a little further" only to be in line with the word STRIVE. Few references of Bible and Jesus may leave few at odd while reading, but I hope if one read it with a meaning God, it should be fine. Being a priest himself and be the back bone of the famous Crystal Cathedral, we cannot blame Robert Schuller of making his personal references, as without which his teaching would become lecture.
From the author of other famous books "Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do!" and "Dont Say Yes, When You want to Say No", this book truly worth more than a read. His personal experiences and its sharing is very much interesting. His sharing at Vietnam Camp of Americans is also worth a special mention. I tried his CHECK-DOUBLE CHECK-RECHECK principle and it has been very much successful.
So, I RECOMMEND THE BOOK SUCCESS IS NEVER ENDING FAILURE IS NEVER FINAL to you. I am sure everybody wants to win in his/her school, career, family, in relations, communities and in much more areas. It is one successful persons ideas on success and even his personal philosophy on insisting on success is well narrated in this book, so check it out in your first possible chance.
Wish you all a Very Happy New Year!!!