If I am not mistaken this website is about voicing your opinion abt some services or products used in Indian market. Finally, thats obvious, but what I am trying to convey is that if you have something which people like having shared with them you can go ahead. Afterall its we guys who will decide whether its worth having it on this amazing site.
Today I would like to share my opinion abt a book on grammar, and what I personally believe grammar could be useful for most of us.
Some points on grammar
1)Illogical comparisions
Ashi`s company is much more healthy than a decade ago.(incorrect)
Ashi`s company is much more healthy than it was a decade ago.(Correct)
2)Dangling modifiers
To make sure Ashish`s programme is accurate, all `if` loops were
checked twice.
To make sure Ashish`s programme is accurate, Tripti checked all `if`
loops twice.
3)Arbitry tense shift
Apsara complained while Aashish listens.(incorrect)
Apsara complained while Aashish listened.(correct)
4)Run on sentence
These are the sentences incorrectly linked.
a)Insert a coordinate conjuction(and, but, or)
Apsara approached the Aashish`s desk, Aashish not yet been arrived.
Apsara approached the Aashish`s desk, but Aashish not yet been arrived.
5)Pronoun-antecedent agreement
Everyone was ready with their prgrammes.(incorrect)
Everyone was ready with his prgrammes.(correct)
6)illogical comparisions
Your programming is as good as Tripti. (incorrect)
Your programming is as good as Tripti`s. (correct)
7)Use of the rhetorical
a)Avoid ambiguous pronoun refrences.
Mana beated Tripti I feel sorry for her.
(Who is her? Mana or Tripti?)
8)Set, lay and raise are always transitive and take an object.
Sit, lie and rise are always intransitive and do not take a direct
Tripti threw the ball wildly(transtitive)
Tripti threw wildly(intranstitive)
9)Don`t use two forms together.
Tripti is the most prettiest.(Incorrect)
Tripti is the prettiest.(correct)
10)Transitive verb
Aashish kissed Tripti.
Intransitive verb doesn`t take an object.
My code broke. :-(
Aashish Payal