Most people think that IIT JEE is very difficult examination. However, JEE is only a different examination.
One thing certain is IIT JEE requires a very systematic preparation. Earlier you start preparing for it the better.
JEE defers from conventional board exams in one major way. JEE tests your fundamentals of the subject and your ability to think logically and analytically.
To begin with, you must arrange for professional guidance, if you do not have one available at home. Secondly, practice of solving JEE level problems being of paramount importance, you must have access to enough recommended books / notes.
(1) You can get join postal / classroom coaching.
(2) You can try and get old postal coaching material from students who have appeared for JEE recently.
(3) Buy or have access to various reference books for the subjects. (Lists are available on the net.)
Getting yourself motivated and keeping up the tempo is not easy. Load of HSC and JEE together can be very tough. So, if you are convinced read a lot about IITs, understand why you want to be in IIT and prepare for long, systematic preparations for it.
I would recommend you should start preparing for JEE, immediately after Xth, if you have not started earlier!
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The IITJEE is the Joint Entrance Examination conducted by the IITs for admission in the six IITs , ITBHU and ISM Dhanbad.
The IITJEE is aimed at selecting the best candidates from the country .It is considered the most competitive examination after 12th standard. About 2.5 % of the total students, appearing, are able to get through (entry ratio is even less than that of Stanford University!).
The entrance examination consists of :
A Screening Test of 3 hour duration in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry with equal weightage for all the subjects. The Screening Test will have objective type questions which are to be answered on the specially designed machine-gradable sheet using HB pencils.
The Main Examination of three separate papers in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, each of two-hour duration, for those who qualify in the Screening Test.
The screening paper is usually scheduled in first week of January and the mains in first week of May. Only those students who got short listed in screening are allowed to appear in the Mains.
The general norm is that the JEE is a difficult examination and the questions are complex and tough. This is not true. It is merely a different exam. It examines your basic concepts, logical aspects and your ability to apply fundamentals to multi-conceptual problems. All it requires is a proper examination temperament and different approach to the subject than most of the other exams. Added to this, it also tests your ability to work efficiently without getting pressures in. It is also a test of your psychology. To solve the typical JEE like problems you have to think in many dimensions.
However, The question papers of JEE are most involved as compared to any other similar competitive examination. The process of formation of JEE paper is pretty complex. Questions are invited from various professors from different IITs. From this list, few questions are finalized, so the professor himself doesnt know whether his question is there or not. All the possible solutions of questions are also made. The result of mains exam is declared in about 20 days from the day of examination.
To have optimum success & avoid failing one has to develop excellent examination temperament besides knowledge of the subject and problem solving skills.
What is needed for the IIT-JEE is :
An analytical mind and planned strategic approach.
Students with high IQ level can extract the information from the teacher even in a large group, plethora of books and study material available. Other students get confused due to flood of information and study material. One needs to have a definite plan with well defined helps and sources of information to produce optimum results. Students normally neglect Chemistry which is most scoring and do not pursue Physics in a proper way. Preparing Physics for the JEE needs more attention besides acquiring highly polished analytical skills. To help you with these things see all the topics of this site and I assure you that if they are probably followed , they will bring a big difference in your rank and hence life and career.
Hard work is indispensable for JEE. If you are intelligent that’s good but intelligence alone is NOT going to get you in IIT. I have seen many people who are very intelligent and because of their intelligence they overestimate themselves and study less and end up getting a low rank in JEE. But I am not saying that any hard working person can make it to IIT. You need a certain degree of caliber but need not be a genius.
The second most important requirement is guidance. Hard work is bow, intelligence is arrow and guidance gives you the direction of target. Then only your arrow will hit JEEs target.
Third thing is motivation. Nobody can force you to study for IIT. For working so hard for IIT you need a lot of motivation. Most (almost all) of the top rankers study for the whole two years single heartedly for JEE. For these 2 years they leave all their comforts for JEE. Like Arjun, you must only see JEE (the eye of bird) and nothing else
The fourth thing is Temperament. Temperament plays a vital role for success at IIT-JEE. Nervousness can decrease performance to such an effect that a student getting expected to get a top rank in JEE, fails to even qualify. Solving full papers, preferably in exam atmosphere can improve your temperament. Test series offered by some classes could be of help. If you do not have access to such series, try solving old papers with alarm set and correct it from solutions available.
I have compiled a list of useful books and details of their importance. Due to limitations I cannot give it here. Anyone interested is free to contact me on e-mail.