I cant give you a different perspective on how to prepare.other MSians have already covered everything I could think of. Id like to add here that JEE is not a very tough exam to crack and it is not something you should be really desperate about until you REALLY want to become an engineer. Thats a BIG QUESTION.how many of the lakhs of IIT aspirants really want to become engineers?
Before spending so much time and energy on your preparation ask yourself the following questions:
(1) Am I interested in engineering? Do I know enough about the engineering profession?
(2) What is engineering? What stream would I take when I do get through?
(3) Am I doing thiscoz my mommy/daddy told me so?
(4) Is it for the cushy jobs?
(5) Do I want to go for an MBA?
(6) Am I really good at something else(which can be a career) and Id like to do engineering because of the money?
OR Because pursuing other career options is a risk. OR(3)
I dont want to elaborate more on this. I find so many people falling into thismove with the crowd trap and ruining their lives that I just couldnt resist writing down
my thoughts. Im not giving any advices.Im just asking you to think for yourself.