My big hello to the smart guys out there, searching for reviews on IIT-Jee preparation...which most people think is thedifficult Examination in India..And spend loads of valuable money in caoching institutions and study materials.
Actually I am nobody to advise you guyz ..I am also a class X student preparing smartly for IIT 2005.
As I have seen most of the coaching centers and heard about them from my friends, I know what they are..Except a few, others are just a waste of money..
A sure way of preparing for IIt will be to study smartly for
XI and XII and give more importance on fundamentals..
I have ben referring to the XI std books from the starting of my vacation..Its pretty simple to understand..
And there are some very very good books which you can read ,
and if you have mastered them, , I will guarantee u a seat in IIT..
To name a few,
Fundamentals Of Physics -Resnick and Halliday.(It is a great book ..Try to get the latest edition as it is more friendly and there are some wonderful problems in it.)
Concepts of Physics -HC Verma9The state of the art book
Problems in Physics - I E Irodov(Class problems)
Co-ordinate geometry, Plane trigonometry, Vectors- S L Loney( U just cant find a better book
IIT mathematics -Khanna and Sharma.(Complete the Book)
IIT Chemistry -OP Agarwal (Easily Understandable)
Organic Chemistry-Morrison and Boyd(Beauty of a book)
And ye guys..If there is any one who is preparing for IIT .
U have a friend here ..Mail me
If anyone of you have finished your IIT JEE , and if u still possess your books, Please give them to me..I will be truly grateful for them..
You can always conact me by email