I have very good suggestions, if you follow these suggestions, all the best to you read at your own risk and dont blame me
1) Buy chetan bhagats book Five Point someone, after you read that book, you will forget about entering into IIT
2) For being successful in IIT entrance, you need to study
3) Dont waste time by getting advice from others or reading these reviews, close this window shut down ur computer and start studying
4) There is no shortcut to hardwork, remember this mantra
5) Pratice Practice and Practice
6) Buy some good books and solve them
7) Attend ccoaching classes
8) Avoid music, movies, Porn, girls, boys, eat well sleep well drink only IIT
9) If you dont understand their teaching, avoid going and start studying urself
10) All the Best for exams
If you have any other queries ( I am sure you wont have any after reading my advice) feel free to contact me, I am at your service.