Here goes one more article for SUCCESSFULL PREPARATION FOR IIT JEE 2006. If you are sure the way you are preparing is quite OK for you. DONT READ BEYOND THIS.
But if you think you need guidence just read this and ponder over it for a while and then set into action right away!
Let me 1st tell you something abt myself. I am preparing for IIT JEE 2006 for the pst one and a half year. And during this period ive oserved that the only thing required for a meaningful preparation is to have a BURNING DESIRE to excell. This is fortunately the only requirement or eligiblity, what ever you call it. And belive me this is not easy. In todays world there are so many other IMPORTANT things, like Surfing, Dating, Music, Movies, Food.... Hai na? Keep your Eyes SHUT for them. Wear blinkers to the outside world if required. Guests who are well wisher of yours, would never expect you to come and socialise with them when ever they visit your place. I Hate GUESTS. We are taught, ATITHI DEVO BHAWAH But I would rather feel the world better without them.
Good Planning is a great virtue. From This Date, only 8 months are left. Leave 2months for revision and Self assesment TESTS. So you have at the most 6 months for preparation. If you havent started yet, This is high time 4 you to do so. Dont worry. Belive in yourself. Daily study for 12 hrs ( Sincerly ) and you get through it. Concentrate only on the Basics. Though I strongly belive to study from books according to my power of perception and understanding, at least from my average level of brain, I can suggest you the following books if you share the same understandning power.
Maths : Asit Das gupta prasad for IIT, ML Khanna
Physics : H.C verma ( Vol I and II ) is enough. If not you can add 3000 solved problems in physics ( Mcgraw Hill Publication )
Chemistry : G.D. Mishra, P Bhadur or R.C. mukharjee.
The Only Thing I say abt. books is decide once and stick to it unless you are thru it throughly. Never flicker amoung books youll ruin you time that way.
Dont pray to god to get you thru the gateway of IIT, pray only to help you to keep the desire to excell burning withn you , pray not to let your mind deviate from the path youve once decided. Rest your hard work will make you achieve your cherished ambition and you be prevaileged to be called with those wonderfull words i.e. IITian.
I wanted to write more but since the time doest permitts. So off I go. One thing iwd like to add is Internet the BEST source to kill time so go wath out the time you spend over it.
People who are really intrested for a chat or talk over the topic of preparing for IIT JEE can mail me at or call me (0657) 2303851, 2142117.
So with all your honest and determination rush to your study table YOUR TIME STARTS NOW !!!