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LOkesh V@vlokeshv
Jul 26, 2006 11:40 PM, 4194 Views
HEY!!!JUst check it out!!

MAtes!! You know wat I was just skimming through internet for iit forums.And guess wat I found one website called which is kinda good.Hope you ppl will find it the same.Check out u people and let us know howz this website...

This website has many features I guess..Do pay a visit and let us know how did u find it...THis is one of the pullout from one of the topics on that website.This is one of the answers... "What we truly and earnestly aspire to be, that in some sense we are. The mere aspiration, by changing the frameof the mind, for the moment realizes itself."     - Anonymous

Asmore and more engineers are churned out every year from the scores ofcolleges in the country, the one name that commands immediate attentionand respect is that of the IITs, which represent the dreams andambitions of thousands of young students, who hope to be one of theselect few to pass out with the tag of an ’IITian’.

But what is it that makes the IITs so special? And why is there, this frenzied rush to get into IIT?

The IITs were established with the goal of providing qualityeducation in engineering and the sciences - an education that wouldtrain its engineers and scientists to be innovative and inventive andrank among the best in the world. As the premier technologicalinstitutes of the country, the IITs have always endeavoured to keep ourcountry at the forefront of technical advancement and have contributedrichly to research and development. The education at the IITs compareswith none other - and this possibly explains why so many youngstersdream of being an ’IITian’. And to choose the best among these manythousands of aspirants, is an intensely competitive selectionprocedure, held each year - the JEE and for B.Tech., GATE for M.Tech.and individual subject entrance tests for M.Sc. admissions.

JEE - the Joint Entrance Examination for admission to the B.Tech.programme, is held annually in two stages - a screening test inDecember and the main examination in May. Students are tested in threesubjects - Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry. JEE enjoys thereputation of being one of the most fairly conducted examinations inthe world and is extremely competitive as well, attracting over1, 50, 000 candidates every year. Its papers are famed for their’difficulty’ levels - questions in JEE are not run-of-the-mill, seekingmere plugging in of values into formulae. What the JEE paper looks forin an examinee is a thorough understanding of the fundamentals coupledwith the ability to think laterally, a powerful combination that cansubdue even the most ominous -looking problem with an elegant solution.

You may be wondering if the IITs themselves provide any coaching. Theanswer to your question is a qualified "yes". IIT does not provide anyinstructions as coaching for students who will be taking JEE. Studentsbelonging to the reserved category are urged to take advantage of thispreparatory course.

The IITs organise JEE jointly andpublish notices in leading newspapers, calling for applicants. Theyalso send brochures to hundreds of schools and institutes, to increaseawareness about the examination. Of course, your friends, schoolmatesand relatives will also be of assistance to you in this regard, sharingwith you the knowledge that they possess about IIT and the JEE. And thebest source would probably be an ex-IITian who has experienced it allhimself/herself! It has been observed, however, that such sources ofinformation are not always accessible to students from the rural areas.Statistics show that a majority of students who join the IITs are frommetropolitan areas; the number of students from rural areas is verysmall, mainly because of the lack of information.

IITs havea very low acceptance ratio; (Ratio of number of students selected andnumber of students applied) nearly one and a half lakh students sit forIIT JEE every year & merely 3000 can make it to IIT, but thisdoesn?t make it a very tough competition to crack. Try to understandme, to quote figures?. in JEE 2003 my total was 92/180 in the mains& I got AIR (All India Rank) 406 where as my roommate having totalof 95 got AIR 235 (JEE gave individual marks in 2003) that meansgetting marks nearly 55% will give you a good rank in JEE. Think awhile you have to solve just half a paper to get through JEE!

First general fundais...?Don?t suffer with ?excusitis? (cf. appendicitis). Don?t givearguments like I?m a Gujarat board student, belonging to a city fromwhere no one has got selected in this particular exam till date?..Sohow can I think of?

Trust me you areunique; every one is unique, it is matter of fact that we can?tcompare people. Imagine a situation, you aspire to become CEO of acompany like ?Infosys? , if you will tell this ambition to your friendsimagine what their reaction will be? I don?t think any of them willgive you a sound suggestion to achieve this goal,   rather it ispossible some of them may laugh on you. But if you ask any companyCEO, he will tell you the way to achieve that, certainly he won?t laughon you.

To clear IIT JEE you need a conceptual approach I think you might have heard this sentence hazzar times. But what does this conceptual approach means?

Conceptualmeans you have to know how you actually proceed while solving aproblem, you must know why you have adopted a particular approach whilesolving and why not one you had just learned.   JEE is not going to be?eat & vomit? examination. You can?t crack the examination just bycramming the formulae.

You will find some students in IIT whostarted there preparation for JEE right from there class 9th, somepreparing since 11th , and to your surprize you will find some whoactually never prepared for JEE. Confused? The reason of this ambiguityis word ?preparation?. Preparing for JEE doesn?t mean joining coachingclasses nor it means reading bulky books containing plethora ofinformation for 10 hours or so, but it means reading whatever you readwith a purpose in mind??.purpose being how this information can beuseful, purpose being how they can ask this in JEE, In short using yourtime most efficiently, thinking of JEE also apart from your class XIthor XIIth preparation.

So the conclusion isyou have to do your best, I remind you, your best means giving yourfull efforts for doing hard work every day till JEE.

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