I have read almost all the reviews posted here. I am very happy that so many ppl are here, willing to give their valuable advices. Thank you everyone!
I too have some advice for you all. Since I am student of class XII , the books which I have found very useful are:
Pradeeps Physics
Resnik & Halliday(for some topics)
HC Verma
RS Aggarwal
ML Khanna
A Das Gupta
Pradeeps Chemistry ( for physical(theory) and organic)
IIT Chemistry(numericals and Inorganic part)
Many people do comment that Pradeeps books are childish and not of JEE level, but as per my experience, I have found it very useful. It covers the JEE syllabus thoroughly. I would like to suggest all my fellow JEE 2005 aspirants to stick to some selected books, and not overburden themself with all the famous books available in the market. I have also joined Brilliants YG file and BMAT. One of my cousin has cracked IIT JEE 04 (rank about 250) and he has suggested me the above said books.
My main aim to write this review is to find a fellow aspirant for JEE 2005, and receive his views about preparation for JEE.
Thanks a lot for going thru my review. Best of luck everyone!! :)