1.Consumer analysis
2.Market analysis
4.Distribution channel
5.Marketing Mix
where marketing mix - product, price, place, and prommotion
Also, Price
1.profit maximisation
2.cost analysis
4.demand elasticity
5.rules and regulation
International Marketing
1.International money market
2.Safety net
3.Cheap Labour
1.Problem definition
8.Setting an example
Innovative, Creative, Risk taking, Profit is the reward.
Entrepreneurial Marketing
Basically, target makrket defines how unique you are.
And Web basesd segmentation
Is basically division of market in mass market, differentiated
Positioning is how your target market defines you in relation to
your competitors.
A good position is:
What makes you unique
This is considered a benefit by your target market
Both of these conditions are necessary for a good positioning. So
what if you are the only red-haired singer who only knows how to
play a G minor chord? Does your target market consider this a good
Positioning is important because you are competing with all the
noise out there competing for your potential fans attention. If you
can stand out with a unique benefit, you have a chance at getting
their attention.
It is important to understand your product from the customers point
of view relative to the competition.
In order to begin positioning a product, two questions need to be
1.What is our marketing environment?
2.What is our competitive advantage?
The marketing environment is the external environment. Some things
to consider:
How is the market now satisfying the need your software satisfies?
What are the switching costs for potential users for your market?
What are the positions of the competition?
The competitive advantage is an internal question. What do you have
that gives you advantage over your competitors. Some things to
Is your company small and flexibility?
Do you offer low cost and high quality?
Does your product offer unique benefits?
Are you the first on the market with this product (First mover
Positioning Strategies
There are seven positioning strategies that can be pursued:
Product Attributes: What are the specific product attributes?
Benefits: What are the benefits to the customers?
Usage Occasions: When / how can the product be used?
Users: Identify a class of users.
Against a Competitor: Positioned directly against a competitor.
Away from a Competitor: Positioned away from competitor.
Product Classes: Compared to different classes of products.
There are three types of segmentation:
Mass Marketing or Undifferentiated Marketing: Go after the whole
market with one offer and focus on common needs rather than
Product-variety Marketing or Differentiated Marketing: target
several market segments and design separate offers for each
Target Marketing or Concentrated Marketing: Large share of one or a
few sub-markets. Good when companys resources are limited
To identify a niche market, a series of 2 by 2 matrixes can be used
to identify an area that is being overlooked by larger competitors.
The competitors are mapped on this matrix and you can see where
there may be some opportunities.
Positioning Differences
The differences that are promoted for a product must be:
Important: The difference delivers a highly valued benefit to the
target buyers
Distinctive: Competitors do not offer the difference, or the company
can offer it in a more distinctive way
Superior: The difference is superior to other ways that the customer
might obtain the same benefit
Communicable: The difference can be explained and communicated to
the target buyers
Preemptive: Competitors cannot easily copy the difference
Affordable: Buyers can afford to pay the difference
Profitable: Company can introduce the difference profitably