Dear Medical Aspirant,
Its not pleasant, rather quite painful for me to advise you not to pursue a career in medical line which has meshed up many many students lives. Every year at least 4 LAKH or more students with hope in their hearts, smile on their faces and shine in their eyes appear for theseultra-tough competitions and most of them return their homes with gloomy faces.
Problem no. 1 The dreadliest problem is stark dearth of number of good seats in medical line. Just have a look :
AIIMS : 50 Number of Candidates 100, 000 (1 Lakh)
AFMC : 1000 candidates are shortlisted .After a really rigorous physical fitness test , out of them only a handful 100 or 110 candidates are selected and rest helpless ones are outrighly rejected upon minor ailments. And who is free , completely free from all the ailments ? Your all talent, 2-year continuous labour is subjected to lots and a lots of chances.
CMC Velloure Not More than 7 candidates are finally selected . Now you yourself calculate the success probability .
CBSE It may give you some hope with some 1200 - 1300 seats at the disposal but I warn you its certainly not enough when 4 Lakh is against you and you have to get your way through it. Moreover not all the colleges are world level.
After 500 rank you wont get any great branch like cardiology, neurology or something.
Problem No. 2 Finance Problem. IITs provide you MCM scholarship if annual income of guardian is below 1 Lakh . If you get MCM , for each semester you have to spend hardly 2100 + 6000 Mesh Bill+ 3100 Hall Management Fees =
Rs. 11, 200 .
For 8 semesters calculate = 8 x 11200 = 89, 600= 90, 000 only in 4 years . Its certainly an heaven for the underprivileged families. I dont know whether medical colleges too provide the same facilities or not. But certainly medical is much much expensive , without doubt.
Problem no. 3: Length of the carrier Five long years for MBBS then MS and then many years to establish a carreer. Total 10-15 Years long journey. In 15 years , an IITian scales many mountains .Most of them , if not all, go ahead upto starting their own companies. 15 years are too long for a career establishment and certainly no career deserves so much input. Dont show me the outputs afterwards. By that time an IITian too has a lot and a lots to produce, to show.
Problem no.4 : Road is blocked After having spent 5 long years out of touch from mathematics ( 7 years if you didnt take it in 11-12th) many many competitions become a far cry. Competitions like CAT and GMAT which certainly promise a sweet post-graduate careers get out of hands and the medical graduate certainly finds himself at a weeker front relative to his engineering couleague. The medical graduate has his back at wall .He hasnt left any option with him.
Culture I dont know what happens in other colleges but at least in my IIT seniors behaviour was so sweet, so friendly that all the dreadful thoughts of ragging etc didnt even cross my mind. No place in India can be a sweeter place than IIT, no place at all.
The best, simply the best decision that I ever took was to appear for IIT and I will always be grateful to God for facilitating the way of this decision , for not allowing me to succumb to any mental fear.
I had to take this decision against my parents wish. They , like any typical Indian parent, wanted to see me in white wardrobe with Dr. attached before my name. They didnt know anything , any fact , any data, any comparson with engineering line .But this was like throwing me in a well.I am happy that despite of being the most obedient child on planet , this time I took charge of my career , my destiny . Because whom else will you blame for any wrong decision about your career ?
Listen, and listen it carefully, You and Only You are responsible for your career, your life. Give a second thought, and Quite Serious Thought to your decision of medical. You may find my version appealing to your heart. Moral of the story is, Dont succumb to peer or parental pressure . Its your life .Take charge of it in your hands. One last word :Nation Service Road to Nations Service doesnt cross through medical campuses only. There are many many other ways too.
And be brave . Never listen to those ultra-fools filled with a strong sense of inferiority complex, who go on saying that IITJEE is the toughest exam. I say that no other competiton is as easy, as sweet, as cute, as pure, as much independent of luck, chance and fluke. Its a competition where sincere labour is Certainly rewarded. I still feel a sweet breeze in my heart whenever I recalls my JEE preparation days.
I wrote a reviewIITJEE is too easy. IIT, a place , a dreamland, where every rank , from 1 to 3000 feels a kind of pride , seasoned with sweet humility. I could not find so many good men at one place anywhere else.
And , after having said so much, I must acknowledge my respect for those who are not deterred from medical line despite of being aware of all the flaws and troubles this line hurls at . I would like to make it clear that whatever I wrote , the one and only one purpose was to spread a kind of awareness among my sweet juniors who havent yet seen the real world.
Awareness certainly facilitates the decision making procedures. My intention was nothing more than drawing a comaprison chart between both the lines and leaving upto you to decide which way to go. If any sentiment is hurt, I sincerely apologize.