SO are you to puzzled whether to study for IIT/AIIMS entrance exam or CBSE examination? Are you also multiplexing between coaching institutes and school? Are you thinking that you are not worth the CBSE exams. Relax!! . There is nothing more easy and stupid as giving a CBSE exam. All you have to do is mug up, mug up and mug up. All the derivations should be in your blood by now. And thats not difficult. Lets talk about each subject individually.
Well! no one can teach you English. You have to trust your luck on that.
About Maths, you have a real good chance to boost your percentage. What did you say, you are afraid your maths. Hey cool. Do all problems from NCERT. Questions in exam will be based on this. Take part B seriously. Its tricky and lengthy. But nothing extra can be asked apart from what is in the text.Mug up the integration formula. And you are through. If you have difficulty in limits. learn la hospitals rule. dont use it in exam but it will help you to check your answers(mail me back if you cant find it in any book).
About Physics. DONT DO NCERT PROBLEMS AFTER JANUARY. The problems are very tough and far far from CBSE level. It can only give you depression and hard time. Take physics easily and step by step. Its a huge subject and most fear it the most. Dont bother mugging everything. keep your basics clear. Thats all.
Now Chemisty. Students Delight. Considered to be the most easy and scoring. Be thorough with some organic mechanisms. It will always help you. As for inorganic I dont know how to prepare for it. Just read the chapters like a story but be careful you dont sleep away. I dont know why we are made to study Inorganic. But be sure you go through NCERT atleast thrice before the exams.
and yes, during exam time, if you get stuck anywhere, make sure to have a glass of water. It really helps you to relax and concentrate.and make sure you go through previous years papers. You will be surprised to know how dumb CBSE is. In some cases, it wont even bother to change the numerical data in the question.
Thats all folks. I hope it will prove to be of some help.BEST OF LUCK.