Oh you hear it all the time-My baby has nappy rash, what can I use??? Well like so many mothers before, I tried them all. There are so many products on the market wrapped in fancy packaging, promising miracles but delivering nothing. This is exactly why Sudocream is a must. There is no fancy packaging, no promises of miracle cures and no major advertising campains like many other products. I first used Sudo cream when my first son suffered unbelievable eczema on his bottom. At first I suspected nothing more dramatic than nappy rash, but low and behold I was witnessing the onset of serious problems. I tried everything to help this poor baby, who just screamed continuously as his bottom was inflammed and red raw. My doctor first did the hydro cortisone treatment and when that failed he was baffled. It was a case of having to leave my son laying without a nappy on as often as possible-even baths didnt help. Then one day a friend suggested Sudocream............well you try it all dont you. Remember this is 16 years ago and sudo cream wasnt so well known-like I said earlier no big advertising campains. I was abit suspect at first. I had my hands on this not so appealing grey tub and all it said was Antiseptic Healing Cream for nappy rash, eczema, bed sores....Bed sores???? oh my god what had I let myself in for???? On opening the lid, a rather neutral smelling white cream just sat there waiting to be tested. It is very thick to say the least and my immediate thoughts were-oh yeah just smear as much on as possible therefore it just acts as abarrier. How wrong I was. The label recommends you apply a thin layer of sudo cream to affected area, but under the circumstances just touching my sons bottom reduced him to sreaming in pain. So I just dabbed it over as quick as possible and lefthim there without a nappy. My hands were covered in the stuff and it took me ages to rub/wipe it off as it isnt easy to absorb. I am not saying it doesnt absorb well-its just so thick.
Anyway did it work-well of course it did otherwise I wouldnt be shouting my praises of the stuff. My son only had childhood eczema, thank goodness-but I swear he would have suffered herrendously if my friend hadnt told me to buy it. I now have a 2nd son who suffers from eczema and asked my mum to bring me some sudocream with her this year when she came to visit-sadly I have never found it here, although I am sure there is a german equivelent. Other recommended ailments to treat with this cream are Sunburn, minor burns, surface wounds, acne? Well now my eldest son doesnt have eczema anymore but maybe we will try this on his teenage spots!!! oh and chilblains. And the label also informs me that we are unable to overdose on sudo cream if swallowed-well what can I say to that???? I have recently been informed (no names mentioned for obvious reasons as you shall see) that sudocream was recommended by a chemist as an aid for hemmoroids???? I assume they meant against the burning affects-but not suffering from this problem myself cannot vouch for that personally-but its always nice to know!! Produced by Tosara, this has to be one of the most unpretentious products on the market. A 250g tub last for ages. As I said before its not the most attractive looking tub-grey with a white label, with red and black writing. But you always know what is it because of that. Go on splash out that extra-its worth every penny.