I personally liked the costume design and overall style, you can really like things up with superhero costumes, this movie handled that excellently, this Batman actually felt like actual Batman, might even be my favorite on-screen Batman, also they gave Gotham a little bit of character though very briefly, Harley, Captain Boomerang and Waller were excellent, Croc and Deadshot were fine enough, I liked Harleys origin way better than in the New 52, I liked that she was the victim of love and not the victim of the Joker, I liked little things like the Joker originally planning on just killing Harley and after that jumps, I liked how Harley first addresses that people like them cant have normal families and thus should never try to have because it does not work.
it has too many pop songs which causes the songs to be uninteresting and unmemorable, and they didnt edit the songs that well, the phasing is off, the end battle is so messy. So there. Its average movie, but it entertained me well enough to say that I liked it.