Suicide Squad has all the ingredients that are collectively essential to a superhero film. Action, witty dialogues delivered at the best of times and lots of special effects thrown in as well. But what this gang of delightfully crazy rogues offer is something subversive, a disregard for any pretense of doing something noble, and yet, they are all motivated by a simple desire to just get a chance at living a normal life again. Away from prison cells and maximum security establishments. Amanda Waller(Davis) is a US government operative who knows exactly how to manipulate the Squad. Rick Flagg(Kinnaman) is the only relativelynormal person of the lot, a professional soldier who follows orders and doesnt "cut and run"(as he mentions to Deadshot, played by Will Smith) when the going gets tough. Diablo(Hernandez) is the hothead - literally - who can torch up a place with no remorse. Cara Delevigne plays a witch without a clear motive for her evil ways(she is incidentally, the only weak link in this film) and then there is Harley Quinn(Robbie) who is in a word, simply fantastic. Delightfully loony, bubble gum-chewing, sexy as hell in hotpants and fishnet stockings, she caresses a phallic baseball bat in a manner thats almost erotic. Shes also completely in love with The Joker(Leto). And special note must be made of Letos brilliant essaying of this iconic character. DC fans will immediately see the clear reference to The Killing Joke comic book, about The Jokers origins. Dont miss this one. And stay for the end credits