This reataurant (Mayur) is quite a famous joint, existing for sevral decades and advertised widely. It is polular for its vegetarian thali, unlimited, having a large variety of snacks, vegetables, rice preparations, rotis, puris, etc.
You enjoy the meal heartily. They continue serving you till you say no. But the bombshell comes all of a sudden just as you are about to finish your meal (unlimted thali at exorbitant price), a person comes with a variety of desserts neatly displayed in a large tray and asks you which one you wish to have. You pick up a dessert from the tray assuming it is part of the thali. Then comes the shock - they conveniently bill you for the desert, stating that cahrges for dessert are extra!! This is shown as written in fine print, which you would surely have overlooked.
Admited, the food quality si good, ambience is appealing, but prices are EXORBITANT.