When I first brought this page up, it did not really seem that well organized to me, however, upon closer inspection I could see that it actually was organized somewhat, it just contained so much information on so many different topics that the layout of the site needed to be improved upon.
Information Available
The site offers articles contributed up to 90 percent by members of the site from over 50 countries, so the topics of interest are very varied. I feel this explains part of why the site looks so unorganized at first look. The topics include Contributing news, stories, rating a new movie, writing a delightful article, Recommending a web site, Sharing valuable tips on what to buy, discussing the important, the inane and the intriguing, art or photography.
In Closing
Once in a while, I run across a site that can either be summed up in a few words, or either it will take me a couple of pages to sum up what I find. This site happeneds to fall into the one page range. However, do not let my inability to produce a longer review stop you from visiting this site. This site offers its visitors the above mentioned categories plus Coffeehouse and Chat. And I feel it is a site worth visiting time and time again, mainly because it will take a while to become adjusted to the layout of the site. And for those of you who like to do a little writing on line, it may be another wonderful place to write for. If only they would come up with a better layout.