do not show the negative reviews for Listed Businesses So users who go to Sulekha for finding businesses to get their job done will not get the real image of the companies from whom they are planing to take services. It may happen that the company is fraud and doing cheating with their customtakeouters all around but suffered people will not be able to share their experience on web community through Sulekha. Other hand such companies can upload bogus positive comments to get the business.
This fact is acknowledged by sulekha team itself in the attached mail below. When my negative review was not posted by them for listed company.
In a sense, they are in-directly supporting fraud companies to cheat people. Now, its users choice to go for Sulekha or other companies in silimar business like JustDial who post all reviews about listed business irrRajeev_Vermactive of content.
//////////////////////////// Mail from Sulekha
Dear Anand,
Thank you for the email.
With regret we have to inform you that we do not display the negative reviews in our website.
You can email us at for any clarifications.
Warm Regards
Kanchana R
From: Anand Giri []
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 2:12 PM
To: UserFeedback
Subject: Review Posted for a company not shown
My user id is "giri_ani78".
I posted a review for a company "Sai chatterjee group relocations" listed on your website, on 17th May 2011. That review is still not listed on your website page for that company.
I submitted same review multiple times as complaint and rating but not vain.
Can you let me know when that review will be posted?
I also see same complaint from another user "samual100" for same company.
Is it like you post only positive reviews about the companies? If thats the case then its cheating with user users becasue they are not able to see correct attiMr_customtakeouter and behavior of listed companies. What if company is fraud and you are helping them in their bad dealing by just posting fake positive reviews from their own team.
If you agree to what I said above, please confirm so that we can post this findings and the way sulekha works on other marketing sites so that users are well aware how much to believe on Sulekha postings.