might be one of the leading search engine in terms of the number of hits to their website, but credibility wise they are a big zero. Most of the businesses they enlist are frauds. I recently got duped by one such instances - some Bonafide solutions located at Banasankari, Bangalore. It is a laptop stealing racket run by one Rekha and Vinod. They contact unsuspecting owners who are looking for their systems to be serviced, get hold of their laptop and vanish in thin air. In case you are from Bangalore and want to get you system fixed, NEVER, NEVER go to these people.
This is how Sulekha is hand in glove with frauds:
It allows a fraud business to put up bogus positive feedbacks. This boosts up the chance of that they would get more and more victimes.
It doesnt air the grievance/negetive feedback of the victims on their website. Not only that, they never mention it anywhere in their site/listings that no negetive feedback would be entertained. This is a very clear proof that they are with the frauds.
To create a feeling of credibility, they claim that they would communicate to the business and attempt to resolve should there be any dispute. However once you are duped, they would say that you are on your own. In my case, they have NOT yet got back to me on the status of my complaint. This clearly shows they are endorsing the frauds.
Hence the bottomline is - stay clear from sulekha - they are a bunch of frauds on the prowl. Please circulate this message among the online community.