Sun direct provides extremely low standard services which makes your life nightmarish and let you feel being cheated. I purchased sun direct in march 2010.Since july/August, satellite position has changed for sun direct, we start loosing channels from our sun direct dth. We kept calling sun direct customer care and their distributors to come and change the locations and frequency of DTH.
Each time we were assured that back end team will rectify this in 24 to 48 hours.But its a lie.A LIE which I hear each time I call them.I have called SUN Direct for more than ONE HUNDREAD time and each time spoken for about 60 minutes.I have pleaded and requested them to send technitians as not a single channel is appearing.I spoke to Tyagraja, Syed Imran, mutthukumaran, shivaswamy, arvind, rajesh and many more.Despite escalating it and wasting my very important 600 minutes for requesting customer care people, I have recived only ditching.This is so painful and nightmarish.
Its been four long month.I feel like throwing this out of my flat.Feel like running to consumer court and drag sun direct for compensating and paying for the disturbance they have done to me.They have barely 20 technitians for more than 4 lack subscribers.I have compalined many time and but no luck..I request you brothers, do not take Sun direct otherwise you will curse yourself for their poor services and feel cheated.