Hello I had very very bad experience with SUN DIRECT.
Details as follows........
Sundirect is not doing any charity service to mess up the Telecast for months togather. please find the followups still not rectifyed. This is only one example like this I have many more followup mails.
............Hello, Same less & culture less Service provided by the SUNDIRECT, I called on 19th 3.45pm asking update on the compliant, Customer Care(screwing) Executive say server are down & I need to call again some time later & I asked for manager he does not having transfer facility & he does not have solution for compliant, then I forced the executive to call the manager he disconnects line, such kind of same less Executives are there in the SUN Direct.I called back immediately call was pick by Santhos then he requested for Smartcard No I provided required info & I asked about my compliant No 11096850118 update he said that Compliant was given on 14th Nov, I said that this complaint was suppose to be rectified on or before 13th Nov as per 11th Nov conversation, why do have wrong info & he replied that due to technician are shortage this complaint was not attended (from fast three months I am struggling to set right the DTH connection, which was ignored by SUN DIRECT & do they Extend the Subscription for these days? With out additional charges) & they need some more time. Unfortunately my BP gone up because from the beginning I am facing one or other problem & I said I need to talk to your manage, he replied that, he does not have option to transfer the lines to his manager, then I said I will hold the call please call your manager because I am getting wrong time lines to rectify Problem & he replied again Same (he does not having option), I asked that is you manager handicap ? because of that he is not able to attend the call? This Santhos (culture less brute, such a rude Behavior) talking nonsense I feel Sun direct selects worthless Executives who does not have solution & they can not pass the call where they are not able to give proper solution & they do not have priority for service. SUNDIRECT does not have interest to keep good service & retain the existing Customers, but they very much keen to give creative Adds.