Now its a Friday, 18 June 2010. This time when I said for the past 11 days I was not able to view any channels except 3 channels, the agent named Nandhakumar smartly shot back "you should have complained back 11 days before". After going through so many incidents, tragedies, jumping from call centre to ashok nagar to call centre again finally I got this answer from Sun Direct.
Ok its not an international call centre, and the people working there are amateurs. Yes point noted Mr Kalanidhi Maran.
But that does not mean they have to dish such nauseating crappy service. Cant they access my database and my call history before giving such reply. This call started at 10:50 pm and I was in no mood to talk with this person. I asked him can I speak to his superiors for which he replied "The person who attends the call, should finish the call. This is office rules." May be within 2 hours" this rule might be changed, who knows !!!
He further continued he spoke with his TL Irfan Salam and also to the Complaints Dept and parroted again "you will receive a call before 11:00 am tomorrow". I dunno why they wantto call my landline. Do they want to test whether my landline is working or not ? Do they work for BSNL or Sun Direct.
Now Im fully convinced that the so-called Complaints Department never existed. Becoz each time either they say this to finish the call, or the famed within 2 hours. Or we have refreshed your ID". Now 20 minutes over after this call has commenced and its 11:10 pm. Instead of speaking to a bunch of liars, I can have some sleep and continue it the next day.
Yes 200% right. I never received any call from Complaints Department. But I continued without no solution in sight. All this happened even before the John Isner vs Nicolas Mahut Ist round match in Wimbledon. Even those guys battled for 665 minutes with determination & will power, just like me.
So today is Sunday.20 June 2010. Its 10:50 pm now. Having returned from work, I was horrified. Its not becoz of loss of money, wasted phone calls & efforts but how much an agent can stoop just to finish their call.
Dont they have any Quality Dept in place? Does their Complaints Dept caters only to the needs of Maran family? Dont they have any work ethics? How can they keep a complaint pending for 2 weeks? Are they reporting to someone in their work place for all their antics? Is Kalanidhi Maran more interested in SpiceJet acquisition and release of Endhiran Movie in August rather than his maiden commercial venture Sun TV ???
Now I called again 20 June 2010. This time I want to make sure its the last call between me and Sun Directs lousy, lieing, cheating, crappy, nauseating, shabby, unprofessional call centres customer service. Oh yes it was the last call.
The agent who attended the call said that its 11:00pm now and within 2 hours" I will get all channels. This is the final straw !!! I asked him how can I believe it since the last 13 days I have been hearing the same thing. This time I was placed on hold and he returned again after some time. And he replied with a readymade solution. Okay, no prizes for guessing. "within 2 hours" I will get all my channels. He also said today is Sunday, so from tommorrow that is after 12:00 pm I will receive all channels. Suddenly the agent was playing the Sunday card.
What a lame, stupid excuse just to end the call !!! 1. Now after 13 days, I lost my cool. I asked them who is teaching them to lie like this, is it Kalanidhi Maran? 2. Why none of the guys in your call centre did not have any shame whatsoever? Why everyone is lieing in the name of customer service? Now this guy started laughing. Yes, not only that agent the whole world should laught at Sun Directs Lie Direct service. I was no longer interested in talking to him, and asked him I wanted to talk to his superiors. He tried to dodge but I held my ground. All the agents lied will keep on lieing till I disconnected the call. WOW #9.
This time a Floor Supervisor by the name of Karthik spoke to me. He gave me assurance that tomorrow I can view all channels, ane he has personally assured me tomorrow evening I will get all channels and also noted my cell#. When I asked for his cell# he politely refused saying that no call centre will give me any personal details. When I asked him the # of the Complaints Dept he again refused by saying that my only point of contact is 3940 7575. He also said to me that the Complaints Dept will call me before 11:00am tomorrow. One more lie to end the call.
Its a Monday guys. 3:30pm and the non existent Complaints Dept did not make a call. Finally I went into Sun Directs website found out a few email ids and sent them the following mail.
To whomsoever it is concerned
I recharged in 7th June 2010. Still Im not able to view any channels in my TV except Mega TV & Podhigai. The Floor Supervisor in Customer Care Karthik talks as if he is Kalanidhi Marans closest buddy.
I never expected such shoddy, shabby, unprofessional, misleading, deceptive & dumb customer service from Sun Network. Each time when I call 3940 7575 the so-called agents gives me false promises like you will get all channels in 3 hours, and this they have been doing devotionally for the past 2 weeks.
Even after I warned your agents not to lie, they are still doing that in the name of customer service. When I ask them, dont they haveany shame whatsoever they immediately start laughing. I had never come across such buffalo skinned agents in any call centre all my life.
Please take appropriate steps to resolve my issue. smart card # 40246846303 Chennai - 116 bala
Within the next 10 minutes I got a few calls, that night few technicians from Gopi Electronics came to my home and they said the software in my set top box needs upgrading and they gave me another old set top box on Wednesday on 23 June and charged me 150 Rupees.
What about that unending phone calls for the past 2 weeks? Who is going to compensate for that? What about the days and days of TV & Set Top Box switched on? Who is goin to compensate for the wasted electricity.
If the agents didnt know this simple solution that the Set Top Box needs software upgradation, how can I know?
It reminds me of Ross Gellers famous dialogue in Friends Season 1, Episode 1
Ross Geller: No!! Okay?! Why does everyone keep fixating on that? She didnt know, how should I know?