Sunsigns........zodiac signs!!!INTERESTED!!!Well that s definitaly my cup of tea!!This review is based on what I have heard, observed, and read in the book.If according to your sunsign I say that you are arrogant and in reality you are really sweet ....the Im sorry!!
the capricornian is generally a serious character possessing a vry sense of humour. Independent, steady as rock, capricorn reflects earthy qualities that range from clever vacuous. Mostly cautious, confident, strongwilled, reasonable and hard working, capricorns are a rock upon which to build. They are often aloof , shrewd, practical, responsible and preserving. Reliable in any profession they undertake , but lacking in originality, they usually excel in following up on what someone else has started.Although firm, they are usually fair to people they deal with. They can spread gloom and tension in a minute and are quite capable of depressing everyone else around them. To them life is a serious business, and the need to be in control of its paramount.Rational, logical and clear headed, they have excellent concentration and delight in all forms of debate.
aquarians are intereseting and attractive people . They acn be shy, sensitive, gentle and patient or enthusiastic and lively with a tendency to be exhibitionist. They are strong willed and forceful in their own way. Very opinionated with strong convictions they fight for what they believe in. Known to be frank and outspoken, aquarians makes for a serious and genial companion. Refined and idealistic they are likeable people.Quick in mind and quick to respond, aquarians love activity and are quite reasonable.They will go out of their way to help when needed, but never get involved emotionally. Aquarians are usually intelligent cool , clear and logical people. They have good imaginations and are quite intuitive. Aquarians appreciate opprtunities to be alone.They enjoy their own company and are recharged by this quiet time. Rarely content being followers they are more often societies trend setters.
piscians are the most malleable of the two twelve signs. They possess a gentle patient nature but one that is in want of moulding. They can be impressed by and completely absorbed into their environment, they are in need of a container which will shape them , guide them. Pisces are generous , friendly, good natured people with a true sense of kindness and compassion. They are popular folk because of their easy going and likeable manner which tends ro mirror people they are with. They are not initiators but rather allow circumstances and events to motivate them. Piscians are impractical, sensitive and instiinctual people. They lack decisiveness and are easily diverted from thei purposes. They are versatile and tend to understand thing by absorption rather than logic. They tend to be extravagant. they are loyal, home loving, kind and generous but their dreamy and impractical natures are a source of distress to those close to them.
personal traits of an aries person are openness , enthusiasm and individualism. they are outspoken, alert and quick to act and speak. Arians are ambitious with lots of drive and strong desire to lead. they are champions of lost causes and losing battles due to strog belief in their own abilities to turn any situation around. Frank and amiable they make quick decisions nad grasp ideas just as quickly. Quick in mind and just as quick to anger arians are known for their impatience and are prone to be arrogant. On the negative side a high energy output is cause for great anxiety in some arians.They then redirect their energy into something new. Another flaw in the arian make up is a fear of rejection.On the more positive side arians are known to be more generous people. They have both moral and physical courage and will gie support to anyone they believe is being treated unfairly or to nay cause they deem worthy.
taurean people tend to be slow, methodicall, practical and reserved. they are also stolid , tenacious and determined. Possessing tremendous will power and self discipline they are inclined to stick to tried and traditional methods. their greatest satisfaction derives from results produced directly by their personal efforst . Roots are important to the taureans.A sense of permanence, a feeling of security is essential. Generally an easy going person, slow to anger but once roused is known for a ferocious temper. Taureans are warm loving , gentle and charming most of the time. They are not rsik taker and weighs every decision carefully. Opinionated, stubborn, once a taurean makes a decision it is written in stone. Motivated by a desire to obtain and accumalate physical possesions, they can be compulsive in their intensity to secure an ample supply of evrything they consider is important.
being the most versatile and changeable of the signs geminis are seldom what they seem to be. They will take a stand, voice an opinion, decided on an option then completely change their mind tommororw. They are truly a free soul diven by curiousity and desire to know and do. Geminis are bright , witty, entertaining and rarely get deeply absorbed in any one task. They prefer to skim the surface of many things then to get deeply involved in one interest. If they do become drawn into something they always feel they are missing out. They are optimistic people. They often possess the enthusism of a child. Routine is boring, and boring is not allowed . Restless with an active imagination and a keen intellect life must be lived to the fulles for a gemini. With the zeal of a sportsman gemini analyses everything. Known for being great story tellers gemini have a knack of making life a little more interesting for the rest of us.
the cancerian character si the most perplexing of the signs.Cancers can range from the timid, shy, dull and withdrawn to brilliant, friendly and famous. Fundamentally conservative and home loving by nature, they appreciate the security of a home base in which to retire, when the stresses of living become to much to bear. Appearing formidable and thick skinned , cancerians have an unemotional demeanor, appearing uncompromising and obstinate. Cancer is a tenacious , purposeful, energetic, shrewd and intuitive type. They are over maginative and prone to be a victim of fantasy. they have a flair for the dramatic and may possess literary and artistic talent. In their personal relationships they are a mixture of toughness and tenderness. Emotional , romantic and sentimnetal one one side and tenaciously possesive and loyal on the other side. They are stringly influenced by childhood memories and have a tendency to live in the past.
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