You can read the complete book on the net when it would cost you about Rs. 250 or more in the market!
Just go to , there you type linda goodmans sun signs in the box given , - press enter - then click on the 3rd link that comes up ..
Content of the Book:
This is a really fat book , but well is it ?? I mean you obviously would read about a specific sunsign - I mean its not a novel that you have to read from beggining till the end ..
There are 6 articles for each sunsign (there are 12 sunsigns)..
For example for the first sunsign ..
ARIES the Ram
(March 21st through April 20th )
How to Recognize ARIES
The ARIES Woman
The ARIES Child
The ARIES Boss
The ARIES Employee
The Book and its purpose:
Here the reader must needs understand that Linda (the author) sometimes does a lot of talking and tells less and less to the point that sometimes you feel like shouting , COULD YOU PLZZ FOR HEAVENS SAKE TELL SOMETHING USEFUL!!!!!!!
Actually it depends on the sunsign concerned , let me explain..
Taurus (which by the way is my sign) people are practical , and they either do not have much to do with emotions or they are unaware of theirs as well as others owing to their low levels of intuition , in short they are many a times boring , unappealing , unintriguing etc. . So the article that Linda writes on Taurus Man is boring , unappealing , unintriguing etc.. (Expect at the two edges ofcourse viz. the beginning and the end), I mean since she is talking pages and pages and pages about a person whose brains are no more rational than a shephards , what could you expect??
On the other hand , when she talks about more interesting signs like scorpio , capricorn, leo etc. she bores you the other way in that she cannot be understood, .... confused??? . I mean since she now is talking something esoteric and deep so obviously it will take you a lot of time before you can pick up with her.
This world of astrology is as beautiful as Taj Mahal, perhaps more romantic that History herself; it is perhaps an answer to many many questions whose answers you ever ever ever ever struggled to know.
And here comes Linda on a shaft of sunlight on a bright sunny day to hold your hand and lead you at its door , I hope you wont be bored with her - I mean she sometimes talks A LOT .
Said that , I would also add on that people who love novels and know how to read them enjoyably will definetily love this book , because her style of writing is just that.. . .
Others simply gotta be patient , geminis , librans , sagis are u listening?
P.S. .. Mark Twain said that you should not completely trust a book lest you die of a misprint if you were following a ..whats-it-called?? .. .
Keep that in mind along with that Little knowledge is a dangerous thing .
After having given the book a first reading its good -infact important to stay away from people lest you behave in a totally weird manner ... . ;-)
And for all those who do not choose to believe in her words lemme add on that she wrote this book at the time when Saturn was in her sign , so she toiled and toiled and toiled , and well ..
Just like while reading J.K. Rowling, you feel like shes casting a magic spell on you, and that is why you probably love her .. Linda Goodman too has her own unique quality.... :
She does not need to get into the skin of a person shes describing , I mean she knows and understands them so well , that just a mere recollection of them doing something as small as picking a pen will make her write pages and pages .. and though what she writes is in the form of prose what you get is an unmistakable sense of ... poetry !!; it really is that beautiful .
The impact of the book , (and others such as these) is so great that images once formed in your mind while reading the book shall perhaps stay with you forever and ever ... surely and subtly changing your outlook , giving more and more dimensions to your understanding .. like water shaping a hard rock round after centuries of rubbing against it .
The author and her style of writing in this book :
She writes some qouatable and beautifully constructed lines . Her english her good , like any Americans , with a touch of a writer . She loves Gibran , Tagore .
She is lovable .
Name: Linda Goodman .
Sex: Female
Home Land: U. S. (in Florida I guess)
Birthday : april 2 or 9 (sorry!).
Died : oct. 96
Sun Sign: Aries.
Personal Website: (This site has nothing to do with her/her estate though!)
Face: Very Pretty! Shes a blonde.
About the site: this site DOES NOT contain any of her writings or messages to people from her or any such thing , this site is simply dedicated to the loving memory of Linda Goodman . This site is simply a message-board site , much like our .. where one person posts a topic .. and others add replies..thats it !