Sunflower oil is a vegetable oil, its pro inflammatory.which means creates inflammation as these oils are omega 6 heavy not omega 3 abundant .
Moreover the refining process means that the oil seeds are subject to very high heat to maximize the oil extraction and even a solvent( I think its hexane) is mixed to help with extraction which is again later on evaporated using very high heat .
Any oil goes rancid or turns toxic as fatty acids bonds break when exposed to light, air and definately heat beyond the oils smoking point .
Yes I used Sundrop once upon a time long-long ago, before I gained enough wisdom on how to get the best high quality fats.
Oils should be the color of the stuff they came from .does sundrop look that way.this and other refined oils look quite clear.Fats should be intensely colored, like extra virgin olive oil, cold pressed coconut coil, sesame oil or mustard oil but always filtered but not refined and go for extra virgin(from the first press of the seed or the fruit), plus cold pressed oils .
Cold pressing - the phrase is self explanatory, it means oil extraction without any heating applied at any stage .making sure oils dont go rancid / toxic .
Sometimes the oil says "kacchi ghani" - thats what we want.
The cold pressed, extra virgin, filtered oils are not processed or minimally processed,
hardly any mans intervention in natures work.
I am sorry but sundrop is refined plus its processed - I wont use it in my kitchen .
Even butter and desi ghee are examples of good quality fats if moderation is used and the consumption doesnt go beyond 10% of your total caloric requirement
Ghee is not eee, its a myth.
Saturated fats create big fluffy harmless cholesterol particles in your body.these are good fats . can you please check the thoughts of Rujuta Diwekar on saturates and filtered oils on youtube along with Dr cardiologist Aseem malhotra .and if you are checking aseem pls do also see what he feels about added sugar
who is Rujuta btw? right
Rujuta Diwekar is a Mumbai-based celebrity nutritionist and winner of the prestigiousNutrition award from Asian Institute of Gastroenterology and was voted as 50 most powerful people in India by People magazine in 2012. she is also the one who helped kareena kapoor with the zero sized figure
Kareena has herself spoken on youtube about her love for desi ghee ki roti .
Olive oil is anti-inflammatory but is not good for high heating saturates are .
Olive oil forms a part of the very popular mediterranean diet, which is probably considered the healthiest diet in the world .
Vegetable oils like sundrop are considered unhealthy by health gurus . Its a fact, a little google and youtube search will show you that I speak from my heart and speak nothing but the truth.
Next time you get fats make sure you get ones with labels "cold pressed", "Kacchi Ghani", "Extra virgin" or "organic butter" " pure cows desi ghee"
Is sundrop that? noooo than dump it for the sake of your heart rice bran or not .
Also the low fat, no fat fad has done a lot of damage we all need good quality fats, the old cultures consumed about 40% of good fats from the platter along with a high fiber diet and lived long and healthy .
Also one can get the best fats from nuts and seeds and avocados .
The verdict than:- saturates, extra virgin olive oil, cold pressed filtered oils are the best fats to use, they are the ones that can really douse the fires of body inflammation( yeah esp fish oil and walnuts too)
A sidenote: Refined table sugar or sucrose, refined vegetable oils and refined flours are highly pro- inflammatory. period .(Add stress to that too).
When buying olive oil, buy ones that have intense colors, I think the italian variety is better than spain variety and prefer bottles that are dark green or any other dark colored glass themselves .
Some companies use olives fallen on ground.thats not a good practise.
Also dont just keep a safe distance from sundrop but other vegetable oils too .
Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional hence use my advice for informational purpose and not curing or treating yourself . But I must add that I have spend years studying fats and sugar. I am just a little more informed than others .