Instant food brings to mind the picture of a piping hot bowl of Maggi noodles with soup. Add to it a dash of this and a little bit of that and it becomes a complete meal (Forgive me if that’s not your idea of a wholesome meal). But for a busy (and lazy) person like me, Maggi seemed to be God sent. Bhook lagi to open a pack to Maggi and within 5 mins I’ve got something to eat.
So, the other day, when I came back home hungry and noticed that my stock of Maggi was over; I rushed over to my nearby store to buy a pack when a colorful rack caught my eye. I picked up a pack; it was a new product – Instant Pasta! I couldn’t believe my eyes since cooking pasta according to me is a long and tedious process (Although the end result is really yummy). Adventurous as I am, I quickly jumped into the idea of trying something different. Quickly scanning the rack, I noticed that the Pasta came in four tempting flavors – Masala, Sour Cream Onion, Cheese and Tomato Cheese.
Once back home, I read the instructions, it looked fairly simple – 1 ½ cup water, ¾ cup milk and a little butter. Add all these together, bring to boil, add the pasta and sauce maker. Simmer all these for 8 mins and its ready to eat. Well not bad, a little more cooking time than Maggi but I thought I could spare those extra minutes for something different to eat. In a while a delicious smell filled my kitchen (I had bought the Tomato Cheese flavor). I stirred the contents and noticed that the pasta was looking quite appealing. In ten mins flat, I had the delicious looking pasta on my plate. And I must tell you that I didn’t regret my decision to buy the pack – absolutely lip-smacking!!
Well, the product I am talking about is the newly launched Sunfeast Pasta Treat from ITC Ltd. I believe it is available only in Bangalore at the moment but ITC plans to market in other major cities soon.
Available in 83 gms colorful pack (pasta + sauce maker), this product is priced at Rs. 12 for the Masala flavor and Rs. 15 for the rest. Unlike Maggi and Top Ramen, this is not made of Maida but of Durum wheat and is not fried. Mothers who are tired of tempting cranky children with healthy food will definitely find this an excellent nutritious alternative. Its mouthwatering smell and delightful taste will get any kid to the dining table in a second.
And preparing this as I mentioned is very simple, an eight to an eighty years old will be able to make this in a jiffy. Want to put in your own special touch - add some chopped onion, capsicum, baby corn, mushroom or tofu to it and your special pasta is ready to be dished out.
I think this is a very convenient product for working mothers, bachelors or simply lazy people like me who want a wholesome delicious snack within minutes. Try out a pack and I am sure Maggi will face a stiff competition in your homes.