My experience in sunrise was the worst I could expect.The doctor there, who is a famous gyanaec was the reason I visited the hosp.he immediatel advised a surgery for my wife.eventhough the charges were exhorbitant and much above normal.
I thought it will be worth.after the surgery my wife was dischrged eventhough she was complaining severe pain.after two days she was diagnoised with internal injury to the small intestine by a nearby hospital.we understood the gravity of the situation and contacte this self styled famous gyanec and he assured immediate action to solve the issue.she was taken back to sunrise.
After scanning and x ray the foolish junior doctor administered enima to her eventhough our family doctor requested not to do so..No senior doctors were available in this serious situation.our selfstyled king of gyanec and his pipe blower surgeon arrived next day early morning only.She was having peritonotis which actually required immediate attention and surgery.these people wasted valuable 15 HOURS before doing the second operation.This delay along with the enima proved to be fatal.
Now the second part begins.i understood the professional misshap happened here.i adjusted and requested them to do the best.These people took my silence as an oppertunity to cheat me.After charging arnd 50000 for the first surgery, they started sending bills again.They firmly believe I should pay for their mistake.i never complained but paid up promptly just for the sake of my wife.but soon I understood one thing.these ppl are fooling us.the infection started spreading across her body.every day the doctors will come up with new stories.They even lied to my family doc whenever she called up to enquire the status.THEY WERE REALLY ENJOYING THE FUN OF MILKING US MORE FINANCIALLY.we were treated like waste and no care was given to my wife even in ICU.She was complining of the rude attitude of the staff in ICU.i was loosing my cool and lost it finally when they said her heart and lungs are infected.chances of pnuemonia was high.and these people do not know how to manage a post surgery this time they had again taken rs 2 lacs frm me.when other memebers of medical fraternity was consulted they requested me to move her from there to save her life.
These cruel people still tried preventing us from going coz that will affect their name.our superhero gyanec who is aiming guiness record tried to brianwash us again saying he is the best doctor in india and wherever u go she wont get bettter treatment.this guy has lost his common sense completely and is only bothered abt money and money.finally they agreed for discharge, .and again asked me to remit rs 1, 25, 000 as pending bill.when I refused the so called angelic MD locked up my wife her mom and the family doctor in the room attached to icu(this was covered in media) for one hour .i lost my nerves and started shouting.For me it was how they dare to lock upa person whoi is in such a critical stage just for money.Finally when media police and public interfered they let her go after taking 5000 which I gave as alm to the greedy MD madame.
after spending one month in sunrise she was taken to Amrita where she made remarkable progress in the first week itself.the doctors there were much caring and down to earth and not like the arrogant gyanec in she is better but stll have the risk of cardiac issues due to pulmonary thriombosis gifted by our belowd gyanec and his his chamcha surgeon.SHe has to to take life long medicines it seems as per opinion from CMC vellore.
Guys I am settled in bangalore and hence I fell prey to this greedy bunch.Please take multiple opinions especially from experienced doctors in medical colleges and avoid these ppl maximum possible.They have no ethics and dont care for the patient.they charge us high and keep lowly paid staff having nil experience..This is a pure slaughter house.Beware.