Ive been using the anti-flat shampoo for the last 4 months or so....the first month was really awesome. but then my hair started getting more oily...i had to wash my hair every single day or else it would look horrible. I thought it was just my hair at first, so I kept using it until I just couldnt stand it anymore.
Recently, I switched to doves new cool moisture shampoo. The funny thing is that every time I washed myy hair, I could still smell the sunsilk in my hair for a week after I switched shampoos. its like something in the sunsilk is unwashable or something. and it was this "unwashable" stuff that was making my hair so oily. it took 2 weeks for that sunsilk to finally fully wash away!
ugh, just imagine all that gunk sticking to your hair and making it oily! I wouldn;t reallyy recommend sunsilk. sure, it starts off making your hair reallyy nice, shinyy, and soft. but then overtime, you get this build up of that stuff that makes your hair so nice. and then your hair gets more oily. and it takes a while to get all that gunk out.
Also, about sunsilks24/7 weightless volumizing creme....it works just like a mousse or something normally would and did nothing to really "volumize" my hair. it was more like a gel of something to make my stray baby hairs stay in place.