SO now I am writing my second review that is about the film SUPARI. I prefer latest films 4 writing my reviews this is the reason I selected this film. I have watched 4 films of uday chopra n jimmy shegill. So when I come to know about this film I thought that this will be a fine film as uday was in it.
This is a story of 4 friends who get involved in a serious problem n started killing people to safe themselves from this problem. All the 4 friends belong to a middle class family who have financial problems. Uday is one of them. They have high dreams n want to be very rich in the their lives. They on the advice of one of their old friend starts thinking to make a bet on a cricket match of 5000 Rs. as their friend says that u will get profit of 50000 because he knows that the match is fixed. One of their said no n they left this matter but when thy saw the match they saw that the team on which they were making the bet was wining.
So they decided to make to bet n asks his uncle, but the uncle said that as only 15 over r left so u cant make bet on 5000 u have to make it on rs 5 lakh but u should as u will get return of 5 karore Rs.they did not have this much money but listening of 5 karore they said ok .NOW UNLUCKLY their team lost the match n they became debtor of lakh.
So they have got no money to pay what will they do know? THEIR Opponents were not normal persons but were terrorists n murderers. They invite Uday to their home n asks them to pay the money till evening or do what they tell them. Their leader was a woman 0f about 31 to 35 I think.
SO uday was terrified when she tell him to kill people on their order or they will kill him n his friends, so he decided to kill the people .His friends decided to do the same to safe their own lives. One of their college fellow a girl who is the heroine n loves uday comes to know about all these things when one day she came to meet uday at hospital where he was admitted to kill his neighbour patient. In the n she was shot by the opponent party. She was wounded but did not die. She tells their name to the police. Their leader women took them to a safe place. She was very angry with them. She tells them that this inspector was his own so he will not show their name.
One of his friend was very guilty n terrified and he committed suicide Uday was very guilty as he think he is responsible 4 his death. All the friends were very sad at his death. In the mean Uday experienced such an event that his thoughts change n he decides to stop killing people n save his friends from this life. He asks his leader woman who begins to love him but she pointed the gun towards him n said that u have to be with me or die. NOW I think its enough n if u liked the story go n see rest of the story ur self. IT is a FINE can say it GOOD too film but I only young people will like it only to JAWAN people BUT keep it in mind that watch it alone
All the characters did fine work. The overall performance was good